Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What Is a Power Tie and Why Should I Wear One?

Silk Ties
The type of silk ties that you chose to wear can say a lot about who you are in terms of your level of professionalism, personality and attitude. A tie can even give information about your sense of style. The power tie has been in existence for many decades and it is generally considered as a tie with a solid color, and is typically worn with a business suit.

A power tie is often worn by a man who has a lot of control. It is generally associated with the corporate world. The person who wears it exudes confidence and commands respect from his colleagues.

The solid color often associated with a power tie is red. A color which is the symbol of aggression, passion and courage. Other colors associated with a power tie are yellow, blue, gold and even pink. The colors are generally bold and stand out, especially if worn with a white shirt. Bold patterns and pale colors are not associated with power ties.

Now that we know what a power tie is, a question that should be addressed is whether wearing the tie actually empowers the individual? Does that person actually act more assertive and confident when wearing a certain type of tie?

When meeting a man for the first time, and he is wearing a tie, it is often the first thing that you will notice, and first impressions are important especially in the business world. Will your tie transfix others and make you stand out from the crowd to ensure that your presence is not forgotten? Or will it assist you in giving a stellar performance at an interview, or making a dynamic presentation?

A long line of presidents and politicians have worn power ties. One of the earliest recollections was Ronald Regan during the 1980’s, and most recently George W. Bush and Barak Obama. Donald Trump is often seen sporting a red tie. While it is implausible to state that these people have reached their levels of success due to their ties, there is a possibility that the consistent wearing of a power tie, assists in sending out subliminal messages of importance and power.

A tie, shirt and a suit have always been a symbol of importance, and that the position that you hold is taken seriously. By arriving at a business meeting wearing the appropriate attire you are sending a powerful and positive message to those who you are meeting, in comparison to the effect of turning up in jeans and a t-shirt. The theory is that wearing a power tie makes a man feel more powerful and confident, and makes him have more influence over the people who he is surrounded by. It may be a case of it being a coincidence that people in power wear such ties. To test out the theory, why not wear a power tie and see for yourself how it makes you feel when you are out in the business world.

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